The Seduction of Mark Antony

The Seduction of Mark Antony

A sensual blend of some of the most exotic + luxurious essential oils available, deliciously combined to influence the mind toward romance.

Orange blossom, bergamot & cassia launch this seductive scent. Heady floral notes of rose maroc and ylang ylang become the lingering heart, leading luxuriously to a base of smooth white cedar and sandalwood while sheer balsams and a hint of Madagascan vanilla support this opulent scent.


  • SENSUALITY sandalwood, rose absolute, Madagascan vanilla
  • PASSION rose maroc, rose absolute
  • STIMULATING ylang ylang, cassia
  • CONFIDENCE cedarwood, myrrh
  • REASSURANCE geranium, petitgrain, bergamot


AROMA REEDS – A simple, stylish method of introducing sensual fragrance to your space. Specially prepared Reeds absorb and release the oils creating an ambience of romance.

DIVAN + BOUDOIR MIST (Room Mist) – Mist the air to set a mood or heighten the sensory experience; spritz your bed linen and pillow lightly. Softly spritz towels, throws, even lingerie to gently layer the evocative scent.

SCENTED CANDLES – The sensual combination of fragrance and flame is one of the most simplest, most luxurious ways of adding a seductive ambience to your room.

The Tale of Cleopatra’s Seduction of Mark Antony

I felt myself lured, compelled, I resisted with all my being. It was vanity. The intoxicating scent had captured my soul and entwined my heart

Ever the seductress, Cleopatra greeted Mark Antony on her ship, sail drenched in luxurious perfume. The scented breeze heralded her arrival long before she came into view and her essence intimately fell upon his heart.

Intent on receiving a passionate declaration of love, Cleopatra carefully staged her vesper rendezvous. Sumptuous rose petals knee-deep along with rare and exotic scents in every form carpeted the floor of her boudoir and imbued the room with the very essence of love. Crushing the petals underfoot, Mark Antony made his entrance.

The delicious scent caressed his body as logic abandoned him. Hers was his soul, afore their eyes had met. Herein lies the inspiration behind our most sensual fragrance. Enjoy those sensual moments. – Jaye